
1、I no longer love you, maybe not, I do not love you, I just have not love you

2、It's amazing how the first heartbreak changes your outlook on every relationship after that. 很神奇,第一次的心碎会大大改观你对之后每段关系的看法。

3、Your name,Engraved in my mind. 你名字,刻在我心里。

4、There are steps to happiness: you ,me ,our hearts,together! 通往幸福只需要四步:你、我、我们的

5、We all have the same memories, is the only little some past. 我们都有同样的回忆,唯一就是少了些过去。

6、What good method, can let the lonely become obedient. 有没有什么好办法能让寂寞变听话。

7、Chaos in the mind is not trapped in situation 不乱于心 不困于情

8、失而复得的东西,永远都回不到最初的样子What is lost and recovered will never go back to the way it was

9、I will remember you forever - 永远记住我

10、Reserve one meter sunshine and tap my heart window. 预订一米阳光,轻敲我的心窗。

11、Do not say goodbye to me not good-bye, good-bye after.不要对我说再见,再见后就不要再见。

12、I still keep in place, not waiting for you, just waiting to give up. 我还守在原地,不为等你,只是等自己放弃。

13、If I forget you, you will not feel hard tobreathe. 如果我就此忘了你,你会不会觉得难呼吸。

14、Sorry,I forgot.You don’t need me anymore. 对不起,我忘了,你已经不再需要我了。

15、Love at first sight the Silly love. 一见钟情那愚蠢的爱。

16、Christmas, I want to live with you, whether or not snow.圣诞节,我想和你一起过,不管下没下雪。

17、Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. 与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起蜡烛。

18、Time heals almost everything.Give time time.时间几乎能治愈一切,请给时间一点时间。

19、Can not find the right people, in fact, is likely to get rid of a wrong. 找不到对的人,其实很可能是,改不掉错的自己。

20、I have always been with you。 我会一直待在你的身旁。

21、无论发生什么,都要面朝阳光,心怀希望。Whatever happens we should turn towards the sun and keep hope in o

22、This is who I am. Nobody said you had to like it. 这就是我,没人说非要你喜欢。

23、Today, give a stranger one of your smiles、 It might be the only sunshine he sees all day、 今天,给一个陌生人送上你的微笑吧。很可能,这是他一天中见到的唯一的阳光。

24、Something last for a long time will become a habit. 一件事持续久了就会成为习惯。

25、Memory is full of scars

26、I'm not afraid of pain. If your love is not strong

27、I have everything what I want except you. 除了你我什么都不缺。

28、You can either travel or read, and either your bodyor soul must be on the way. 要么旅行,要么读书,身体和灵魂,必须有一个在路上。

29、Whatever with the past has gone, the best is always yet to come. 无论过去发生什么,最好的尚未到来。

30、Without you I cried as a smile. 没了你我把哭当成了笑。

31、Don't say you have lost everything, because you and I.(不要说你失去了一切,因为你还有我)

32、could ever replace you.(从来没有人可以取代你)

33、There will be a tear that lets you grow in a twinkling. 总会有一次流泪,让我们霎时长大。

34、Right here waiting to recall, just at that time already disconsolate write how much like of the pain. 此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然写出了多少暗恋的痛。

35、Even lonely all laugh at me cowardly. 连孤独都嘲笑我懦弱。

36、The face is full of disappointment can only be said to be all right.   面对满满的失望也只能倔强笑着说没有。

37、Don't give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory. 属于自己的,不要放弃;已经失去的,留作回忆。

38、习惯像永不愈合的固执伤疤 Habit is like a never healing stubborn scars

39、Do I myself, is the bes

40、In the story of your life, don’t let anybody else hold the pen. 不要让他人执笔,来书写你的生命故事。

41、Better late than never

42、Then I had a good time, but I just occasionally regretted not being accompanied by you. 后来我过的很好,只是偶尔遗憾没你陪伴。

43、Crowded I always not see you 人潮拥挤我始终不见你

44、sometime there is no way out except to say goodbly. 有时候除了再见 无路可走。

45、From now on,I will expect nothing, and just take what I get.从现在起,我将不再期待,只珍惜我所拥有的。

46、Health care three thousand days less than the cold when a suit. 嘘寒是暖色调的,大概是为了温暖每一个晚归的人吧。

47、We pass the ti

48、Live like a cactus, but also eager to be embraced.活的像个仙人掌,却也渴望被拥抱。

49、Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning. "Makes today seem rather sad so much has changed 让我徒生悲伤 世间已有太多的改变

50、get out my oheart 你這個不甘寂寞的男人

51、Each trauma, is another kind of maturity. 每一种创伤,都是另一种成熟。

52、we accept the love we think we deserve. 认为值得 所以接受 这就是爱情。

53、羔羊总结队,猛兽总独行.Gao Yang summed up the pair,The beast always walks alone

54、This season is very clean, there is no story without you. 这个季节很干净,没有故事没有你。

55、You can't change someone; either accept who they are or start living life without them。

56、You do not belong to me (你已不属于我.)

57、Buried city, to shut all lights. 埋下一座城,关了所有灯。

58、North of the city to the north is not to miss .北城以北思念不归