男生个性签名英文字伤感 promise

1、Like can be a person,Together have two people

2、We all have the same memories, is the only little some past. 我们都有同样的回忆,唯一就是少了些过去。

3、You are everything to me, and I was so blessed when god sent you here for me. 你是我的一切,我是如此幸运上帝让你来到我身边。

4、Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again

5、Don't want to be your trap, lonely always try habit cheer up 【vs】 不想成为你的牵绊、寂寞总要试着习惯看开

6、No love without you how forget how to cry 没有爱怎么忘没有你怎么哭

7、A lot of things that were reluctant to be deleted were finally deleted. 很多舍不得删掉的东西最后都删

8、Destiny is sometimes cruel. 【vs】 命运有时是残酷的。

9、no one takes you as the world 没人把你当成全世界。

10、I want to hear you say, do not I you not happy. 我想听你说,没我你不快乐。

11、Keep you

12、Oneofthemostdifficulttasksinlifeisremovingsomeonefromyourheart. 人生最难的事情之就是把某人从你的心底删除。

13、Discovered after parting, that is the world's most warm. 离别以后才发现,那些废话是世界上最暖的牵挂。

14、Sometime I miss you so much,I can herdly syand it. 有是我真的很想你,想到我心痛。

15、I don&rsquot want to be in  tears, but I am still in grief 我不想流泪,并非我不哀伤

16、My heart got lost in you world

17、let`s face it. (面对现实)

18、When I close my eyes, I don&rsquot see myself, but you. 我闭上眼睛,看不见自己,却看见了你。

19、Never regret something that once made you smile - 不必遗憾,至少你曾快乐过。

20、Love is not hard to find, trust

21、If brea

22、Lucky is you,the regret is you too. 幸运是你,遗憾也是你。

23、孤独的人有他们自己的沼泽(Lonely people have their own marshes. )

24、You can't change someone either accept who they are or start living life without them。

25、The years of falling into the abyss of the sea,time and waiting are defeated and flee. 岁月坠入深渊之海,时光携等待落荒而逃。

26、You put on a suit and become somebody else's bride. I put on my wedding dress and become somebody else's bride

27、The time that you are my most fatal

28、Nobody could ever replace you. 从来没有人可以取代你。

29、For how long was buried beside you is enough 久伴是多久 葬你身旁够不够

30、When I close my eyes, I don't see myself, but you. 我闭上眼睛,看不见自己,却看见了你。

31、℡ 、Promises much is just a lie(承诺太多也只是骗人的)

32、all the sun can never shine as bright as you. 所有阳光都比不上你的笑容温暖。

33、Wish my smile clear off the sky of all days. 希望我的笑可以晴朗所有的天。

34、It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop. 只要不停下脚步,走多慢都没事。

35、I have always been with

36、I have finally found that life goes on without you. 最后我终于发现,没有你,我的生活还是照样在转。

37、People can be disappointed to what extent, but repeatedly refresh. 人能失望到什么程度,却屡屡刷新。

38、I love him,but he loves me not. (我愛他,可他不愛我)

39、Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of. 没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。

40、I remember past times, because I will not look at you and the future. 我怀旧,因为我看不到你和未来。

41、You are my most adventure youth dream .&lt你是我年少时最冒险的梦。

42、★The farce is over and the rest of the life is not sent.闹剧已终,余生不送

43、Since we can not be together, why the fate of the encounter. 既然不能在一起,命运为什么安排相遇。

44、You cannot change what you refuse to confront. 你不去面对 又怎么会改变呢。

45、I would like to meet a warmyou wander 我愿颠沛流离再遇见温暖的你

46、Some pain can not tell until you can slowly forget. 有些痛,说不出来,只能忍着,直到能够慢慢淡忘。

47、If through time, through love 倘若看透时光看透爱

48、Você chorou muito triste, eu ri muito artificial 你哭得很难过,我却笑得很做作。

49、时光不染,回忆不淡。Time does not dye,Memor

50、不到没有退路之时,你永远不会知道自己有多强大。 You never know how strong you really are until being strong is the only choice you have。

51、Sometimes, you're missing someone so much, but when that somebody shows up, you do nothing. 有时候,日夜思念。可是当思念的人出现在眼前,你却安之若素。

52、I thought that who can always catch your heart. 我以为能一直拿稳你的心。

53、我以为开了灯的房间就不会黑 I think that turned on the light in the room would not be black

54、Down enough to let go 失望攒够了就放手吧

55、Make me sad, makes me happy you are you

56、I can stay to recall, only then has disconsolate此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然。

57、Steps into the dream the paradise, fantasizes your my romantic plot. (踏进梦的乐园,幻想你我的浪漫情节。)

58、Two people who really love each other will not miss it.真正相爱的的两个人不会错过的

59、May there be time to look back and affectionate bald. 愿有岁月可回首 且以深情共白头。

60、If we the dream everything will be ok. 敢于梦想,一切将成为可能。

61、I am afraid that I have never failed. 未曾失败的人恐怕也未曾成功过。

62、A promise means everything. but once it is broken, sorry means nothing. 如果对不起有用的话,还要承诺做什么。

63、i want to be your sun around you. 我想成为你的太阳包围着你。

64、The best feeling in the world is knowing someone is missing you. 世界上最好的感觉就是知道有人在想你。

65、You always stressed to work hard, but how long did you insist. 你总是喊着努力努力,可是又坚持了多久。

66、Whether you have forgotten how to love or I have changed the idea of love you. 是否你已经忘记了怎么来爱还是我已经改变了爱你的想法。

67、First love is unforgettable all one is life. 初恋是永生难忘的。

68、Don't worry about the past, only laugh for the rest of your life. 不为往事扰,余生只愿笑。

69、I have not much but would like to leave you with the best.我有的不多但愿意把最好的留给你。

70、Only take the journey of wind and rain, in order to ultimately keep the rainbow sky

71、let's find some beautiful placeto get lost. "找一个美丽的地方,一起私奔吧。

72、I hope you have the courage to start all over again at any time.希望你任何时候都不缺从头再来的勇气

73、我愿在你怀里成猫娇而不傲 I wish in your arms into the cat Ji

74、Everything happens for a reason.这个世界,没有偶然

75、Keep on going never give up!

76、When we lose, just know oneself. 当我们失去的时候,才知道自己曾经拥有。

77、Sometimes we&rsquore forced in directions till we ought to find our sounds. 有时候,我们被迫走选择的路,直到有一天才发现应该去寻找自己的心声。

78、Finding the right person is the best luxury. 找到一个对的人,是给自己最好的奢侈品。

79、Ijust want to be different in your heart 我想成为你心中的特别

80、The colour of a sad, sad haunted, sadness and me company. 泛着忧伤的色彩,悲伤萦绕,忧伤和我作伴。

81、If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets. 只要你记得我,我不介意整个世界都把我遗忘了。

82、If there is no separation growth also does not have belongs to 如果没有别离 成长也就无所附丽。 A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. 做别人告诉你别做的事情,也是人生一大乐事。

83、Even if it's a little while to be apart from you. 就算是一会儿也讨厌与你分开。

84、I don&rsquot want to be in tears, but I am still in grief 我不想流泪,并非我不哀伤

85、Can not give you the best will help you want

86、Hope is fire, disappointment is smoke, and life is smoke as it burns. 希望是火,失望是烟,生活就是一边点火,一边冒烟。

87、If do not have ,if you do not need to los

88、Future time, will have my shoulder.未来的时光,有我的肩膀。

89、The more you get the more you will pay. [你得到的越多就要付出越多代价]

90、Always like this, remembers are too few,forgets too many. 总是这样,记得的太少,忘记得太多。

91、The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. 对明天做好的准备就是今天做到最好!

92、Just for once,let me love you 只此一次,让我爱你。

93、The past is no longer beautiful, but painful memories, now have is the best. 过去的不再美好,回忆只是痛苦的,现在拥有的就是最好的。

94、Because I like, so relucta