男生时尚经典的个性签名英文翻译 The

1、we all live in the past. we take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someo

2、I just want someone who will understand me even when no words are spoken. 我希望有一个人会懂我,即使我什么都没说。

3、I love you touched my own. 我爱你,感动了我自己

4、No amount of discourse is sadness for the prelude. 【vs】 再多的话语都是以悲伤为前奏。

5、Fairy tale has ended, forgetting is happiness. 童话已经结束,遗忘就是幸福。

6、I will wait for you until you come back.我将等待你,直到你回来

7、You don\'t have much good, I like it. (你不用多好,我喜欢就好)

8、Lifeless, faultless. 只有死人才不犯错误。

9、Happy people focus on what they have, unhappy people focus on what's missing. 快乐的人专注于拥有的,不快乐的人专注于失去的。

10、I want to see you every day, but I prefer to hug you whenI turn back. 我想每天都见到你,更想一翻身就可以抱住你。

11、Love isn\'t hard to find, trust is. 难找的不是爱,是信任。

12、My heart beats for you every day. I am inspired by you every minute, and I worry about you every second. It is wonderful to have you in my life. 每一天都为你心跳,每一刻都被你感动,每一秒都为你担心,有你的感觉真好。

13、I pretended to be indifferent to it. 我假装无所谓才看不到心被拧碎。

14、Fame usually comes to those who are thinking something else. 通常是没想到成名的人反而成了名。

15、Love, but not to ta

16、I began to aphasia. Hiding in own corner of stability and calm. 我开始失语。躲在自己的角落安定从容。

17、Life is too short Everyone should cherish years. 人生太短 要珍惜岁月里的每个人

18、Even if the other win others, our attitude is victory. 哪怕别的赢不了人家,我们心态好就是完胜。

19、Gamble before the age of eighteen. 自己决定自己的命运。

20、Happiness is the precipitation of time,smile is the lonely sorrow. 幸福是年华的沉淀,微笑是寂寞的悲伤。

21、Time orbit we just one solitude of the subway. (时间的轨道里我们只是一班孤寂的地铁)


23、The feeling is excessive, also full of cracks. 感情用力过度,亦充满裂痕。

24、Time make people strong smile to pay all the injuries. 时光逼着人坚强用微笑面对所有的伤。

25、你非要我满眼失望的看着你. You want me to look at you disappointed

26、The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of theirdreams. 未来属于那些相信梦想之美好的人。

27、Never Make Somebody Your Everything, cause when they're gone, you've got nothing. 【vs】 无论如何,不能让某个人成为你的全部。若是有天他们离开了,你将一无所有。

28、[We look forward to, our future.]我们期待我们的将来。

29、I have for you cry, from now on you do not deserve my smile. (我曾为你哭过,从此你不配拥有我的微笑 )

30、Chaos in the mind is not trapped in situation 不乱于心 不困于情

31、When is the store closing? 这家店什么时候结束营业?

32、I excel at many things, but getting over you was not one of them. 我擅长很多事情,但是忘记你,并不在其中。

33、May your next love be an opponent, an equal, lasting and inseparable one. 愿你下一场恋爱,是棋逢对手,是势均力敌,是长久永固,是白首不相离。

34、Born free love fearless 生而无畏爱而自由

35、You want is not me, you go. (你要的不是我给的,你走吧.)

36、We change the heart so that you can understand my sad in my heart I can see your in the mind is how to me

37、Only you can control your happiness. 只有你自己能掌控自己的幸福。

38、I miss you but i miss you 我想你,但是我错过了你

39、Just a turn around you and I separated a century. 只不过一个转身你我却隔了一个世纪。

40、Nothing is impossible! 没有什么不可能!

41、Every boring hour in life is unique. 在生命中,再无聊的时光也是限量版。

42、I am not greed but I envy. 我没有贪婪但我羡慕海枯石烂

43、Love is a chord in life,not solo

44、Wasting time is robbing oneself. 【vs】 浪费时间就是掠夺自己。

45、because of you , so I madness. 因为有你,所以我疯狂。

46、You ever far is my fixed lattice (你永远是我的定格.)

47、waking up I see that everything is ok. 睁开双眼 我发现 一切如期上演。

48、Some pe

49、The best feeling in the world is knowing someone is missing you. 世界上最好的感觉就是知道有人在想你

50、Only the sun can give me warm enough 只有太阳才能够给我足够的温暖

51、Sometimes having a shoulder to lean on and having a person who understands my silence is the only thing I need. &mdash&mdash有时候,有个可以依靠的肩膀,和一个懂我的沉默的人,就是我唯一需要的。

52、I want to be his favorite hello and his hardest goodbye. 我要成为他最心动的相遇,最不舍的离别。

53、We shall always save a place for ourselves, only for ourselves. Andthen begin to

54、My heart beats for you 我的心跳动为了你

55、Learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace. 学会忽略,是通向内在平静的一条大路。

56、Take away love, and our earth is a tomb. 没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。

57、Relationships or friendships are worth fighting for, but not if you're the only one fighting 感情或者友情都是值得为之努力的,但如果努力的只有你一个人,就另当别论了。

58、When distinction disguises the smile, is the final farewell tune. (分别时假装的微笑,是最后的告别曲。)

59、Once all, lost became a joke. 曾经的一切,失去了就成了一个玩笑。

60、Maybe perfect for me is false. 也许完美对我是假象。

61、To lose the pursuit of the lost, going to marry the well-being of the married. 要输就输给追求,要嫁就嫁给幸福。

62、In the very smallest cot there is room enough for a loving pair. 【vs】 哪怕是最小的茅舍,对一对恋人来说都有足够的空间。

63、I don't know what to say...I'm just thinking of you a lot at this moment 我不知道该说什么,我只是突然在这一刻,很想你

64、If just like why inflated into love. 如若只是喜欢何必夸大成爱。

65、Delay is the deadliest form of denial. 拖延是最彻底的拒绝。

66、You make my heart smile.我的心因你而笑

67、Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well、 任何值得做的事就值得把它做好!

68、Not to be lonely and huen dyed was greatly. 不要让孤单 ,渲染了寂寞。

69、Because of you , so i madness . 因为有你,所以我疯狂。

70、The warm smile,if the quality. 微笑向暖,安之若素。

71、Wish my smile clear off the sky of all days. 希望我的笑可以晴朗所有的天。

72、I just do myself,although I am not perfect. 我只做自己,虽然我不完美

73、Lower your expectations, and you will lower your disappointments. 降低期待,你才能减少失望。

74、I only hope you are my eternal lover 我只希望你是我永恒的爱人

75、I decided that I did not love you.我决定不爱你了

76、Jack of all trades and master of none. 门门精通,样样稀松。

77、Promise, sometimes, is what a cheater said to a fool. 承诺,有时候,就是一个骗子说给一个傻子听的。

78、The time is gentle, still need you understand, the life is lovely, also need you favour. 时光温柔,还需你懂,生活可爱,也需你宠。

79、Is not life if it is only as first, but life what not to meet. 不是人生若只如初见,而是人生何如不相逢。

80、The future does not call.(那不叫未来)