
1、I'll give you. The last love is letting go. 我给你,最后旳疼爱是手放开。

2、l had a dream that you love me.我做了个梦是你爱上我

3、Don't apologize. I hope you choked to death

4、Don't realize too much which will let you down. 不要知道得太多,会难过。

5、Only for making me want you so badly. 只有你才能让我如此上瘾。

6、A cat has nine lives onil in one 猫有九命也只有一心而已。

7、all the sun can never shine as bright as you. 所有阳光都比不上你的笑容温暖。

8、After the novelty, all that remains is perfunctory and boring.新鲜感过后剩下得全是敷衍和厌倦

9、Behind every successful man, there is a woman And behind every unsuccessful man, there are two 每个成功男人的背后,都有一个女人。每个不成功男人的背后,都有两个。

10、The feeling is excessive, also full of cracks. 感情用力过度,亦充满裂痕。

11、Relationships or friendships are worth fighting for, but not if you're the only one fighting 感情或者友情都是值得为之努力的,但如果努力的只有你一个人,就另当别论了。

12、The road of life is like a large river,because of the power of the currents,river courses appear unexpectedly where there is no flowing water. 人生的道路就像一条大河,由于急流本身的冲击力,在从前没有水流的地方,冲刷出崭新的意料不到的河道。

13、Rely on a feeling like a person. (靠着一种感觉喜欢一个人)

14、The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. 未来属于那些相信梦想之美的人。

15、Maybe it doesn&rsquot matter which road we embark on. Maybe what matters is that we embark. 或许,人生重要的不是我们走了哪条路,而是我们是否迈出了脚步。

16、- My prayer is to lin

17、Tearsarenocolorofblood. 眼泪是没有颜色的血。

18、A we missed the time, France.时间一点点被我们错过,擦肩而过。

19、Heart sounds like a balloon was broken, and then left incomplete fragments. 心碎的声音就像是气球被扎破 , 然后留下残缺的碎片。

20、Remember that if you get through yesterday, you'll get through today. 昨天若是都过去了,那还有什么过不去的明天。

21、My heart belongs to you

22、Pale words who can see this person's bitter. 苍白的文字有谁会看出这一个人的辛酸。

23、Can hold do not let go can hug is not torn. 能握紧就别放手 能拥抱就别拉扯. Dazzling white, let me understand what is pure damage. 刺眼的白色,让我明白什么是纯粹的伤害。

24、Betrayal can forgive but not forget.         背叛可以原谅但不会忘记

25、No matter how you feel. Get up, dress up, show up and never give up. 不管你现在感觉多糟,起床,打扮漂亮,不要逃避,永不放弃。

26、Somebody out there loves you. (在远方的某处,有人在爱着你)

27、Don't say you love me, unless you really mean it. 请不要轻易说爱我,除非你是认真的。

28、Do not find excuses for failure, to chase success reasons!! 不要找失败的借口,去追成功的理由!

29、We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us. 我们看错了世界,却说世界欺骗了我们。

30、Because I can't keep up with the pace of the time, so have to leave you. 因为我跟不上时间的步伐,所以不得不离开你。

31、I like to think that we had it all. 仍想念我们的曾经。

32、Love is hard to get into, but harder

33、Time orbit we just one solitude of the subway. (时间的轨道里我们只是一班孤寂的地铁)

34、You hug me again to burst into tears, nothing but to prove that had recovered. 你抱着我又再流泪,无非为了证明曾经补救过。

35、You are warm and backlighting. 你是温暖逆光而来。

36、Don't cry for pain, do not feel. Don't ask, do not expect. 不喊痛,不一定没感觉。不要求,不一定没期待

37、If he want to go more than a million reasons. 他若执意要走 理由何止千万种。

38、I don't know what to say no more. 我再也不知道该说什么了。

39、Love is something eternal the aspect may change, but not the essence. 爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。

40、Wasting time is robbing oneself. 浪费时间就是掠夺自己。

41、No “can”,but will. -----没有可不可以,只有愿不愿意。 ​


43、原来你也会吃醋You will be jealous

44、Like is relaxed and light mentality, love once spoke mouth, became a vow,a promise. 喜欢是轻松而淡淡的心态,爱一旦说出了口,就变成了一种誓言,一种承诺。

45、I know we are not wrong,but it is better for us to let it go. 我知道我们都没有错,只是放手比较好过。

46、If love is just passing through, why should a visit. 如果爱情只是路过,何必到此一游。

47、You are the person I can say I like without blinking. 你是我眼都不眨就可以说喜欢的人。

48、Only dead fish follow the flow.只有死鱼才随波逐流。

49、To be understood, it is too luxurious. 被人理解 实在太过奢侈。

50、You said that love me for a million years. Oath to become a lie. 你说过爱我一万年,誓言变成了谎言。

51、Don't forget to blame others too quickly you remember too deep. 别去苛责别人忘得太快 是你自己记得太深。

52、Emancipate urself from ur past. The only way to move forward is to stop looking back. 把自己从过去解放出来,前进的唯一方法是别往后看。

53、Music is my life, the lyrics are my story. 音乐是我的生命,歌词就是我的故事。

54、I used to love you, you didn't care. 爱过你,你没有在意。

55、Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 【vs】 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。

56、Even if the other win others, our attitude is victory.哪怕别的赢不了人家,我们心态好就是完胜。

57、The worst betrayals always come from the ones we trust the most. 至信之人往往会伤你最深。

58、The future is in my hands It&rsquos totally up to me. 我的未来我作主。

59、Someone said, my love, I just thought. 【vs】 (有人说,我的爱情只是我的自以为。)

60、Believe it or not. There's somebody out there hoping to meet someone just like you. 不管你信不信,有个人正在等待希望能遇到像你这样的人。

61、Promises are often like the

62、Genius only means hard-working all one's life. 天才只意味着终身不懈地努力。

63、I want to cry, but my pride told me not to 我想哭泣,可是我的骄傲告诉我不可以。

64、Sometimes there is no way out except to say goodbye. 有时候,除了说再见,无路可走。

65、Time is money时间就是金钱。

66、Falling in love with a wrong person have much pain who will understand. 错爱有多痛谁懂。

67、Side to give up, while love you. (边放弃、一边爱你。)

68、Lost is difficult to force. 失去的难以勉强。

69、Windy and rainy day, it carries a heavy life clear days, more suitable for quiet understanding

70、I can do am not many, but you need time, I always. 能做的不多,但你需要的时候,我总是在的。

71、I missed you but I missing you 【明明已经错过了你,但我还在想念你】

72、The things what you care too much are always torturing you.你过于在意的东西永远都在折磨着你

73、I do not know how long the meteor can fly, the value is not worth pursuing I do not know how long the cherry blossoms, the value is not worth waiting for. 我不知道流星能飞多久,值不值得追求我不知道樱花能开多久,值不值得等候。

74、Love, no crack password. 爱情密码,无人破解。

75、let`s face it. (面对现实)

76、If you fade from my memory, I think I would be very well. 如果你从我的记忆中淡去,我想,我会过得很好。

77、If you feel sad for buring it in your heart, then just smile and let it go. 如果放在心里会觉得难过,那么就请微笑着放手吧。

78、Buried city, to shut all lights. 埋下一座城,关了所有灯。

79、He does

80、Heartless laugh, was the best thing that I have. 没心没肺的笑,是我拥有的最美好的东西。

81、Several th bustling places, happiness keeled over drunk the dreamland. 几世红尘,幸福醉倒梦乡。

82、It's amazing how someone can break your heart, but you still love them with all the little pieces &mdash&mdash不可思议的是,即使他令你心碎,你却依然用破碎的心爱着他。

83、Each has his own irreconcilable way of sleeping on a thoughtful night. 在满怀心事的夜晚借宿,各有各的

84、He is the sun,deep hug will hurt 【 他是太阳, 深拥必伤。】